The latest from Axo. Announcements, blog posts, press coverage, and formal research.
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Inside the AXO Token
Axo seeks to be the most efficient, sound, and ubiquitous financial protocol on the planet. Hence, it is important that the tokenomics design reflects these values and goals.
Setup and Fund Testnet Wallets
Axo is coming to the Cardano testnet and will be available for everyone to try. Participating in the testnet is an exciting opportunity for Axo users to contribute to the success of the platform while familiarizing themselves with how the Axo protocol works in a risk-free environment.
Welcome to Axo
Dear Maladex Community, We have been blown away by the support for the Maladex protocol and vision of a fair, transparent, and efficient financial system for all.
The Age of Projecting: What the Early Stock Market Teaches Us About Crypto — History of Finance IV
If there is something that we can learn from history, it’s that people do not learn from history. The sentiment is so oft repeated that it borders on cliché — but, like figure skaters, we cross and criss-cross the same lines, over and over, until the grooves are well imprinted.
Taming Randomness: How Modern Finance Evolved From Gambling — History of Finance III
John Maynard Keynes, one of the grandfathers of modern economics, once said that the business of investing is intolerably boring and over-exacting to anyone who is entirely exempt from the gambling instinct.
Why Accountants Rule the World — The History of Finance II
One of the core features of blockchain technology is immutability. Every transaction, no matter how irrelevant or unimportant, is permanently logged on the blockchain.